Comments for Three Tales of Old Hollywood

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This piece belongs to the series "Joe Bevilacqua Short Features"

Produced by Joe Bevilacqua

Other pieces by Joe Bevilacqua

Summary: Rare archival interviews about the film industry that are perfect to run prior to this year's Academy Awards, but can be run anytime.

Review of Three Tales of Old Hollywood

Anyone who's loved watching cartoons growing up will love this piece. The title, however, may get listeners to think of it as a supplementary piece to recent Oscar news, it's anything but.
The piece is more of a collage of voices and faces behind famous characters of the cinema. For instance, Mel Blanc explains how he came up with the 'voice' for Bugs Bunny. There are revealing moments with William Holden, Walter Brennan, and the man who played Lincoln in D. W. Griffith's 'Birth of A Nation.'
Third part of the piece is a delight, quickly giving us sound clips of famous cartoon characters and the voices who'd brought them to life. The piece is good for broadcast any time of the year.