Comments for Spacing out or guarding against trauma? A teen contemplates her relationship to dissociation

Caption: Art therapist Jessica Masino Drass (left) works with Derricia Smith., Credit: Anne Hoffman

This piece belongs to the series "Philly Audio Diaries"

Produced by Derricia Smith, Anne Hoffman, Sandy Fleurimond, and Katie Davis

Other pieces by Anne Hoffman

Summary: Research has found that about half of children in the U.S. have experienced at least one traumatic event before they turn 17. In Philadelphia, 17-year-old Derricia Smith recently found out about an elegant safeguard of the mind when it faces trauma.

Caption: PRX default User image

Excellent Youth piece

We aired Derricia Smith's segment during our 7am news hour and part of special feature segment during the Thom Hartmann Program. Her story fit well with topics of today! Thank you