Comments for The Truffula Trees and WE!

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Produced by Grace Tyler

Other pieces by Voices of Youth - Moab

Summary: revisiting the Seuss classic

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YEEB Review of Truffula Trees and We

I love the juxtaposition of an old and beloved story with a call to action. It's kind of symbolic of our maturing generation. Grace Tyler takes the listener from a place of childlike innocence to an awareness of our disconnect from nature, and finally proposes that we return to that original state of wonder. It's a wonderful message. The piece might have benefited from the establishment of a scene: a particular location in nature. That spot could have been used as an example for why we should appreciate nature, and it would have given the story a sense of place, which would have helped to ground Tyler's abstract argument.

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Review of The Truffula Trees and WE!

I like the emotion in the narrator's voice. Using Dr. Seuss's movie makes the subject, appreciating and caring for the environment, easier to relate to. I like her story about the boy from New York; it really illustrates her point. The music and sound effects are well-mixed with her voice. Gandhi's words are a beautiful message to remind people to act for what they believe in.

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Review of Truffula Trees

I thought this was an awesome idea for a piece. Using Dr. Seuss is a really cool way of looking at environmental issues which I think connects with a lot of people. I really enjoy how melodic this piece is, and how Grace continues in the book’s tone from the beginning. The song really anchors the piece well too. All that said, a couple caveats; the tone of the piece can verge into getting preachy, which you really have to be careful about with environmental issues, because then people may tune out. Also, I think the piece could have been tightened up a bit in places, maybe by shortening some of the music interludes and cutting out a few parts. But overall, these complaints are pretty minor. Now it’s time for me to go check out the Lorax from the library.