Comments for Why Teens Drink

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Produced by Chris Frenier

Other pieces by Alaska Teen Media Institute

Summary: Chris takes a look at what kids think about drinking, since no one else seems to listen.

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Review of Why Teens Drink

The piece isn't exactly what I thought it would be. I found the title to be a little misleading, since the piece was not so much "why teens drink" as "what are the consiquences of teen drinking." The narrator seemed unwilling to choose a side, and offered a well researched argument for both sides of the issue, which I found informative but slightly monotone.

Overall, the piece was excellent for informational purposes, but didn't do wonders for me as far as entertainment, although that may not have been it's goal. Editing was excellent, maybe music, ambiance or a way of breaking up the piece a little more effectively would have added something else to it.

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Review of Why Teens Drink

Chris' segment on teen drinking seems a bit opinionated and blunt in the first listening. There is quite a bit of information about why teens drink (socially, for example), and he does a good job of conveying that. However, the transitions between the tape and the narration by Chris seems rough around the edges.

The piece was very opinionated, and seemed to be especially harsh on the teenagers who provided the interviews. I felt as if the interviews were a bit too "cookie-cutter" and expected. There wasn't much surprise in this segment, and I felt as if I was hearing a public service announcement on why drinking is wrong, rather than the incentives behind drinking, and how teens weigh the benefits and costs of drinking, especially socially.

The narration was spot-on, though I don't think a narrator should interrupt an interviewee's clip of tape unless it's completely necessary. The subject matter is relevant, though it could have used a tie-in to current affairs, or a few scientific studies.

However, this piece was very informational, even if it is a bit weighted one way.

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Review of Why Teens Drink

This piece starts out interestingly enough.

The interviews were well rounded. You can hear the voices and the emotions of the teens to how they break the law. We hear statistics, and we see the situation... but I don't think this was enough.

I expected a youth oriented piece that embraced the voices of teens. However, what I got was a piece that came down harsh and judgmental on the subjects. Everything from how sharp and harsh the voiceover was to the quick changes between interviews, to the line "Says quote" ... respect was not given to the subjects being interviewed.

What I wanted to hear was something that really examines why teen binge drink. The attitude to the event of drinking was covered, but what was not discussed was the attitude to alcohol itself. What should have been asked was "Do abstainment rules increase desire, and change teen's attitudes to alcohol," or in essence: Did adults cause this?

In the end, it had a lot of good interviews, and it is an interesting take on the story. But I don't feel that it was journalistic enough... it didn't seem fair, and it didn't dig deep enough.

Matt Terrell
Youth Editorial Board