Comments for Art of the Grotesque

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Produced by Angela Taylor

Other pieces by Angela Taylor

Summary: Curator Robert Storr pushes the envelope of good taste with "Disparities and Deformations: Our Grotesque."

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Review of Art of the Grotesque

I read about this event some time ago in the NYTimes and was surprised and happy to see this story about it. Just like the Times story, this radio piece piques my interest about the event without giving too much away. Good sense of visualization. Nice placement of sound. Well-balanced journalism. I could hear this in a variety of shows, from news to arts.

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Review of Art of the Grotesque

A solid arts feature. Great use of sound to give us visuals without telling us what we're listening to but letting us see it in our minds. Good explanation of the art of grostesque and its historic background. The entire story really makes you want to head right to Sante Fe's art scene and it's a good reminder that the cutting edge, the new movements in art aren't based on either coasts. This would work well on an arts magazine show particularly any stations around the SW region or on the West Coast--though I think it could work for any station that cares about the arts.