Comments for By the People

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Produced by Catherine Komp

Other pieces by WAER Syracuse, NY

Summary: The multi-cultural community of Syracuse shares their experiences of US democracy.

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Review of By the People

A nice collection of international voices in Syracuse. The story unfolds smoothly enough in the first minute, but it seems like the issue of politics is bluntly introduced -- maybe the writing in this section could use some work. But the voices carry the piece the rest of the way through. A highlight is the comparison of U.S. government to Ghanaian government.

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Review of By the People

Immigrants contrasting American and other democracies makes for a thoughtful example of seeing the inside more clearly from the outside. The multi-colored "voice of the people" would make for a good drop-in under the canopy of Who's Democracy Is it? - (nice embedded moment about how some Ghanians get their news..)