Comments for Party Chinese People

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Produced by Pui Chau for Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by Curie Youth Radio

Summary: Immigration and assimilation from a teen perspective.

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Review of Party Chinese People

Party Chinese People
This is piece is good because the speaker points out not all Asian people are the same and people should not expect many things from you just because of your ethnicity. It?s a matter of how you were raise and what kind environment you grew up in. Not all Asians are smart and not all of them are dumb, all people are different in there own ways and that?s what this piece is saying.


Review of Party Chinese People

"Party Chinese People" is a play on Chau's views towards being Chinese/Asian in an American setting. The stereotypes she briskly addressed meant to criticize her "less Chinese," per se, neighbors. Interestingly articulated, however, her lack of experience and ignorance shine through her piece and in turn, ends up hurting it. I liked the use of sound and interesting intent, but the content might seem borderline offensive as her strong bias towards assimilation leak through her words.

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Review of Party Chinese People

"Party Chinese People" is an honest and interesting piece about Chinese assimilation into the United States. Pui Chau discusses the typical Chinese stereotypes but then begins to question them when she hears some Chinese kids partying in the house below her. She wonders whether these kids are revamping their morals or are simply trying to fit into the "American culture."

The background noises in this piece definitely enhance the overall audio. I like the topic and I like the questions "Party Chinese People" raises.