Comments for Does God need salespeople?

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This piece belongs to the series "Commentary Corral"

Produced by Matthew Terrell

Other pieces by SCAD Radio

Summary: Erica doubts the need for God to have a messenger.

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Review of: Does God need salespeople?

Does God need salespeople? It’s a good question and Erica Korman gives a short, fast paced answer in this piece produced by Matthew Terrell. I had my breakfast interrupted by two Jehovah’s Witness (how does one say that in plural) the other day and being a Jew myself I readily identified with this Erica’s arguments. What does it matter to someone else what you personally choose to do on your own time. At the same time I disagree with her comment about Jew’s being comfortable enough with their own religion to not need to bother others during dinner. I feel that I am frequently bothered by Jews during dinners who feel that they have to remind me that they are Jewish. Let’s hear a follow up piece from a Christian who is approached by the same man… and then get a dialogue recorded between Erica and the second subject!
Does God need salespeople? Is a great piece to use during any show on religion or privacy and a good short well mixed segment to use on a daily newscast.
Ness Smith-Savedoff