Comments for Life Stories - Memory

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This piece belongs to the series "The Life Stories Collection"

Produced by Jay Allison & Friends

Other pieces by Jay Allison

Summary: Five stories linked to memory

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Review of Life Stories - Memory

This program (along with the entire series) features "the best of" Jay Allison's feature-length work, each program defined loosely by a theme. In this case, it's "Memory." The program's host is Alex Chadwick.

The program flows incredibly well, seamlessly moving from piece to piece with musical breaks in between (which leads to my one criticism of the program: the music bridges are too long--it feels like the are filling time). Every element of this program illustrates why Jay has achieved his stature and reputation. The nat sound, writing, production, and editorial touch are generous, flawless, and evocative.

A favorite is a Lost and Found Sound piece by Jay with David Greenberger (author of the Duplex Planet 'zine and books) featuring "Jack," an elderly nursing home resident who claimed to have "more songs than Sinatra." Greenberger challenged him to sing for 45 minutes straight--the length of a cassette side. The piece's only audio (beside the narration) is Jack singing--and does throughout. It is odd, attention-grabbing, and somewhat humorous. Greenberger's narration provides all the back story and context over top of Jack's crooning. It feels natural, and his respectful and thoughtful comments weave nicely with the audio of Jack, pointing out the humor and quirks of Jack's worldview without passing judgment or making fun of him.

Another favorite is a Allison family trip to Florida that illustrates the beauty in unexpected experiences.

Impeccable production, highly listenable, and the most quietly engaging stories you'll find anywhere. Programs like this don't make the world bigger--it makes them smaller, and that feels good.

Folks, this is as close to perfection as it gets. Schedule the whole damn series.

One other thing: when offering an hour long series, it's always nice to offer a 30 second promo and some support materials to help stations promote your special/documentary.