Comments for Reclaiming Islam: A Woman's Perspective

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Produced by Laura Jackson and Betsy Morgan

Other pieces by Laura Jackson

Summary: Muslim scholar Leila Ahmed argues for an alternative to fundamentalist Islam, for an oral, ethical tradition, passed down from mothers and grandmothers, that still lives among Muslims today.

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Review of Reclaiming Islam: A Woman's Perspective

This is a good series and the producers are to be commended for taking on Arabic content from a woman's perspective not just with with this piece but with a prior piece "Lolita Unveiled" also on PRX. The production values are high and I like this narrator though at times I think the overall piece could use less compression. But that's nitpicking. I found this an engaging and thoughtful piece and partnering it with Lolita and perhaps some of their other pieces would make a great half-hour or one-hour special for any station concerned with Middle Eastern topics. I hope to hear more from Producers Laura Jackson and Betsy Morgan.