Comments for Democracy, American-Style: "Mandela...Bush"

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This piece belongs to the series ""Democracy, American-Style""

Produced by IndyBell Productions and Edithead, Inc.

Other pieces by Sharon Glassman

Summary: Nadine from South Africa remembers voting for Mandela in 94 and asks, crying: Why don't Americans value democracy more?

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Review of Democracy, American-Style: "Mandela...Bush"

This short monologue is worth airing for the ending. It is very affecting. In a few sentences, this South African women communicates the importance of voting in a truly affecting radio moment.

If you air this, and assuming it's okay with the producers, I'd recommend ending on her words, and following with music or some other breather before she identifies herself. The change in tone is awfully abrupt as it is. Alternatively, your local host could do the back announce. -J.A.