Comments for Girl Detectives-Expanded Version

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Produced by Sue Mell

Other pieces by Sue Mell

Summary: The aftermath of a friend's murder and the search for resolution in the face of an unexplained death.

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Review of Girl Detectives-Expanded Version

One of the saddest and most consistent traits of the human heart is the need to make sense of the senseless. Part of what powers the search for answers, the need to turn the comprehensible into something graspable, understandable, is the knowledge of how fragile life is, how so many worlds can change catastrophically because of something as benign as a decision to go to the movies.

Profound in its simplicity, Sue Mell?s calmly courageous documentary about the painful ripples radiating from the violent death of a friend and the chillingly dismissive attitude of authorities that followed echoes with loss and frustration.

The discussion of conflicting sex-roles is appropriate, but not the most valuable lesson of the piece. The message that cuts across the gender lines is the vital importance of participation. Even in the worst moments of our lives, we need to be present, ask questions and demand answers, of those in power, those we love and ourselves.