Comments for Finding a Spiritual Home

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This piece belongs to the series "10 in Their 20s"

Produced by Betty Smith

Other pieces by Vermont Public

Summary: A young couple seeks community through joining a church.

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Review of Finding a Spiritual Home

A good commentary for use in magazine shows, especially during the holidays.

Nicely written and delivered. A thoughtful piece from a "younger" writer.

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Review of Finding a Spiritual Home

The presenter spoke with great clarity about why he and his wife are seeking a church community. His thoughts on the matter are both interesting and well thought out.

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Review of Finding a Spiritual Home

The monotone reading of the essay kinda drowns out the real emphasis here. Finding faith in this modern day isn't as easy as going to a bunch of holy places and picking one. It's a much more personal feeling as to the community that feels right and I think that point gets lost in this piece. It is well done but wanders a little.