Comments for Blues File: Snooky Pryor

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This piece belongs to the series "Blues File"

Produced by Jonny Meister

Other pieces by WXPN

Summary: Obituary for blues harmonica player Snooky Pryor

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Review of Blues File: Snooky Pryor

I heard this on the Station Showcase podcasts, which I like to listen to around town. This is a good, tight piece about, obviously, Snooky Prior. It's an obit piece, but not particularly depressing. It would have worked best around Snooky's death (Oct '06), but might be able to fit in a music/blues oriented presentation of some sort. In any case, be on the watch for stuff by this producer (Jonny Meister), if you have a blues show on your station.

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Review of Blues File: Snooky Pryor

Meister distinguishes himself with excellent writing in this essay delivered over a collage of Snooky Pryor's music. The thirty-year WXPN veteran gives us a nice, short history lesson with a narrative that's engaging, even for non-blues-fans. There's a great moment mid-way through this piece when we hear a recording of a few words to the audience from Snooky Pryor on one of his old albums. If you check out Jonny Meister's PRX profile, you'll find a lot of other good stuff, too --- he has more than a hundred and sixty pieces uploaded to PRX!