Comments for Too Much TV?

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Produced by Zoe Cordes Selbin

Other pieces by Youth Spin - KOOP 91.7 FM

Summary: Why do we love TV so much? Why do we watch the shows we watch? Why do we spend so much time watching TV? And could our ever-increasing TV time be spent in better ways?

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Review of Too Much TV?

I must admit, I do watch a lot of T.V; "Too Much T.V" is a very good way of providing youth with alternatives, other than watching T.V. In this piece youth talk about why youth watch so much T.V, and give suggestions on what else they can do with their time. I really liked the way the piece started with a conversation, before entering into the plot of the story, that was a very interesting way to introduce the topic. The narration was very straight forward and clear, giving the reader a precise idea of her opinion. The thing that stood out the most for me is that the piece is authentic. She uses several examples of T.V shows that youth really watch, for example "Date my mom" and "Pimp my Ride". She also did not exempt herself from being the average T.V watcher, which gives the listener the indication that she knows what she is talking about and is honest about it. On the other hand, I heard a sniffing sound near the middle, which distracted me. I also felt like the piece was dry, the element of music would have definitely added more excitement. Overall the piece was informative and provides good information. Maybe it can be the first step towards the next generation engaging in a wider variety of activities that does not include watching the television.

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Review of Too Much TV?

From the beginning of this piece Zoe voice, and humorous intro grabs the listening ear, and refuses to let it go. This is probably one of the best commentaries I have heard in along time. The over all issue is..why do we watch so much TV,, and instead of telling the listener, Zoe suggests ideas on why we do. This is the prefect piece for those of us who spends a lot of time in front of the TV..(don't worry shes doesn't offend TV watcher), she even explains why TV is so important to her. Its fast paced, hilarious, personal, and just plain good. So tivo your TV for a minute, and grab some headphones..believe me its worth it.