Comments for Life on the Outside

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This piece belongs to the series "Waiting it Out Series"

Produced by Dan Collison

Other pieces by Long Haul Productions

Summary: Two mentally ill and homeless repeat offenders attempt to break the cycle -- one that for years has spun from jail, to psychiatric hospitals, to the streets, and back to jail again (Winner: Public Radio News Directors' Award; National Federation of Community Broadcasters' Golden Reel Award)

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Review of Life on the Outside

Pristine, professional production - traditional "trac-and ac" NPR style news reporting at its best. The reporter captures lovely details, from the succinct expression of the homeless man's appreciation of life on the upside - "beautiful. Clean clothes, a place to sleep. Lately I've just been so glad to be alive," to the downside, "I don't know. I don't...know. Around" when asked where he's been. I am as fascinated by the careworkers on the job as I am by the subjects themselves - and being sinside their experience takes us - well (I'll speak for myself) - ME to a basic place where I bottom line place I feel profoundly called to over and over.