Comments for (My)Space Invaders

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Produced by Devin Prikryl-Martin

Other pieces by Youth Spin - KOOP 91.7 FM

Summary: You know you recognize just can't figure out how you know them...and then it comes to you--could it be from myspace?

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Review of (My)Space Invaders

(My)Space Invaders

I love this piece, it is amazing. This is short, funny and something people can relate too. I have had a similar experience and when I have encountered a myspacer, she thought I was crazy, but then we hit it off. This piece is real because of the connection it has to listeners.

I love it

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Review of (My)Space Invaders

A short take on how myspace invades the everyday lives of cyber addicts. From the computer screen to the movie theater, will life ever be the same? This piece is funny and thoughtfull, but it feels as though somebody started it and never finished it. Much could be added to the abrupt ending. How else does myspace effect our everyday lives? Thats what I'm left with as the Piece ends.

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Review of (My)Space Invaders

I can COMPLETELY relate to this piece. It's so awkward when situations like this occur with myspace! One time last year, someone came up to me and said "i know you from myspace!!" I was officially creeped out by that person. *delete* there goes my myspace. Okay so enough about me.... I'm sure thousands of teenagers can relate to this piece. I like how the reporter goes into detail about his experience with these "myspace invaders." (which is such a tricky phrase too! I love puns!) But maybe he can get others experiences too. Has he ever told someone "oh I know you from myspace!"? Also the quality of the recording could be improved slightly, esspecially toward the end where his voice fades in and out.

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Review of (My)Space Invaders

Although short, this story is very funny. In this new age of on-line communities, this is a topic that almost every young peoson can indetify with. Although I myself am not involved with Myspace, the issue of "space invaders" presented itself to me in the form of other on-line blog sites such as Friendster and LiveJournal. With the world becoming more connected to eachother via the internet, "space invaders" is going to be something that will haunt each of us at one time or another.

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Review of (My)Space Invaders

As part of the MySpace generation this piece was easy to identify with. It is especially pertinent with the resent flairs over the safety of minors on MySpace as well. However, I think that going further in depth on the subject would enhance the story greatly. This piece could serve as a great intro onto the subject of MySpace and reality colliding.

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Review of (My)Space Invaders

I can directly identify with this story (at least as it relates to facebook, which is another networking website like myspace), which is why it left me wanting to hear more. Your story was a bit short and ended a bit abruptly. I think you could have talked a little more about the phenomnenon your dad dubbed "space invaders." Perheaps you could have even gotten a clip of the conversation with your dad, or maybe some of your friends who have experienced "space invasion." Your voice and style of narration is very real as it felt like you were talking to me! Keep up the good work!