Comments for What's the Deal with D&D? An Audio Adventure in Dungeons & Dragons

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Produced by Angie Tung

Other pieces by Angie Tung

Summary: If you've never played it, do you really know what it's all about? Don't knock it until you've tried it.

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Review of What's the Deal with D&D? An Audio Adventure in Dungeons & Dragons

This story is a good start, but needs work before it's ready for broadcast. I think a good editor could help tighten the story, including shortening it and dropping some of the tape. The story would be stronger at about half the length.

The tape of the game playing is hard to follow at times and would be better with some processing or better mic recording in the future.

The story also assumes the listener knows something about Dungeons and Dragons. I'm not sure how many listeners know much about the game beyond the title - especially that is not a false stereo-type. I would like to know more about the game. Where do people play? How long do games last? Do people eat and drink a lot while playing? There is an explainer of D&D, but it comes to late in the story. Also, I never learned how you win the game or how it ends.

I did like the tape of the Smith College alumni. It was conversational and a good explanation for listeners.

Also, the story needs an ending. I felt like the tape ended with no conclusion, summary or explanation.

This would be a tough piece to air with the length, but could be paired with a 20-24 minute piece from PRX.