Comments for The Trouble with Harry (Nilsson)

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Produced by Jackson Braider

Other pieces by Jackson Braider

Summary: Harry Nilsson: The Beatles called him their favorite group, and though he died 12 years ago, there's resurging interest in the artist and his work.

Review of The Trouble with Harry (Nilsson)

Short glimpse of a man who primarily thought of himself as a songwriter. Excerpts of an interview, that took place some 27 years ago, are placed throughout the piece, sometimes next to famous Nilsson songs. Whereas singers and songwriters spend an awful lot of time showering with stage lights, flash bulbs, and celluloid, Nilsson has never given a concert. Why? His answer is so simple that you'd think he's crazy. Maybe he is crazy...but in a Werner Herzog way.

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Review of The Trouble with Harry (Nilsson)

A rare treasure of an interview! ....Sheds a bit more light on the puzzle that was Harry Nilsson who was taken from us much too soon...The man who wrote, produced, and performed songs that sound as fresh today as they did when recorded...You just don't hear productions like his anymore....Real strings, mixing a wide array of exotic instruments like steel drums, gargling while singing and multi-layered vocal harmonys....He was a genius.

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Review of The Trouble with Harry (Nilsson)

Great interview from the past and a really nice intro to a reissue that everyone should purchase. Sounds like it should be on NPR. Great tone, professional, really interesting. The only quibble I have is that his name should be pronounced "NIL-sson" and not "Nielson". But other that that, I really enjoyed this. The interviewer obviously likes the subject a lot, but it doesn't get in the way of getting some good quotes, and all the music is incorporated really well.

Thanks for this. I'll listen to it again. I'm very happy you were able to use those old tapes. It all goes to reinforce the notion that you shouldn't throw stuff out! Ted.