Comments for RN Documentary: Six Ways to Vermeer

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This piece belongs to the series "RN Documentaries"

Produced by Chris Chambers

Other pieces by Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Summary: Life and fame of Vermeer seen through six of his paintings.

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Review of RN Documentary: Six Ways to Vermeer

I'm a fan of Radio Netherland's documentary work and I really looked forward to this piece after reading The Girl With The Pearl Earring. But here's the have to KNOW the paintings to appreciate this doc. There are three featured paintings and the producer moves through a discussion of the works with beautiful music and articulate historians. So I liked the The Girl segment because I could picture the painting in my mind. The other two segments discussing paintings I didn't know left me a bit...well...clueless. I don't know that most public radio listeners would have more of a reference point so it's difficult to recommend to stations unless programmers are certain that their listeners would know all three paintings. If this were TV, no problem. If this piece was audio for a web stream with the paintings posted on the site, great. But as a radio documentary for an American audience, I think it would be difficult to program.

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Review of RN Documentary: Six Ways to Vermeer

This is a really fascinating effort: three authorities, no narrator, all talking about a singular painter about whom we know almost nothing. Engaging, smart, enthusiastic commentators. The best bits are the intense descriptions of various paintings -- for example, the description of the pearl in "The Girl with the Pearl Earring." The program covers the gamut of Vermeer's art as well as the mystique surrounding Vermeer. Instead of playing that third repeat of the first hour of WESUN, this, bundled with a set of shorter PRX pieces to fill out the other half hour would be surprisingly engaging radio.