Comments for Story of a Yup'ik Eskimo rapper

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Produced by Ashley Gross

Other pieces by Ashley Gross

Summary: A sound-rich portrait of a young Yup'ik Eskimo man who uses rap music to work through his suicidal thoughts

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Review of Story of a Yup'ik Eskimo rapper

A great profile and story. The use of tape in this story is excellent. Ashley does a great job with the story arc and narrative. She lets James tell the story and the tape is powerful. It's also does a good job of addressing social issues through the story of James.

This is the kind of feature that plays to the strength of public radio and the length is good for telling the entire story.

A few longer pauses after James' tape might have helped give the tape a stronger impact for the listener, but that is just a preference of mine.

This would work well in a local magazine or in a talk show to help start a discussion. It would also work well within a holiday special.