Comments for Rapper Versus Rocker Versus World

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Produced by Yvonne Gutierrez for Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by Curie Youth Radio

Summary: Teenagers fight to be seen as unique. But often, adults just see...teenagers.

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Review of Rapper Versus Rocker Versus World

What the heck is a pisa? Am I saying that right? Pisa?

Uhhh. This piece has a message in it. I think it is saying to me, "Ben, judge ye not other kids cause dang man you just know that ye gonna be judged, but mostly by adults". So kids gotta find some common ground. Like youth radio! It's what will really bring us together!

The main thing that could use a teensy bit of work would be the pacing of the speaking. Other than that, I like the tape of the rappers and rockers talking and stuff.