Comments for One Family of Jazz

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Produced by Murray Street Productions

Other pieces by Murray Street Productions

Summary: An all-star cast celebrates a shining addition to Broadway in the premiere performance from Jazz at Lincoln Center's Frederick P. Rose Hall.

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Review of One Family of Jazz

It's a party. It's a family re-union. It's an inauguration of a brilliant new jazz room. It's maybe the best jazz concert of the decade.
This is what jazz radio should be all about. And I wonder, with all that talent bubbling up out there why can't more jazz radio sound like this?
This show is one hour of almost solid music. Great music. Ed Bradley lays on a light touch and never misses the mark or says too much. Perfect. Wynton Marsalis is equally engaging.
And what could be better? It all takes place in the House of Swank, my kinda room.