Purchasing Information for 'iPondr'

Purchaser Type

Digital Distributor


iPondr raises up new voices, explores overlooked topics and reveals essential insights with depth and compassion to spark genuine, caring conversations. iPondr produces media that shapes a better culture, with thoughtful journalistic storytelling and authentic, immersive experiences to bring you Life Outside Your Bubble™.

We will be posting the pieces onto our website, iPondr.com. They will live on our homepage for a few weeks and live on the site effectively forever. (That's the plan right now, at least.)

We will not be editing the content of the pieces.


If your piece is purchased by iPondr, you will receive royalties in the form of:
$50.00 flat fee


You retain full copyright to your work, and in order for iPondr to include your piece in your station, we request certain rights required for distribution, specified here.

By opting-in to this agreement you give iPondr non-exclusive permission to use, store, display, perform, publish, transmit, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, and distribute your piece through any medium or technology, whether now known or developed in the future in connection with services offered by iPondr.

Any segment licensed will be published on iPondr’s website www.iPondr.com as part of any of our various programs. Each episode could also be promoted via social media.

One-time use, as part of an episode (usually comprised of one written narrative, one visual piece, and an audio piece), and the work will live within that episode, in our back catalog, after publication.

The producer who worked on the segment will be credited in the byline and the creating organization will be given full attribution for the segment with a link back to their site in the body of the transcript, which we publish along with any audio piece for accessibility purposes.