Philosophy Talk

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Philosophy on the radio? You've got to be kidding? Well, sometimes we do (kid, that is). Mostly we look at today's important ideas with an eye to thinking them through.

Philosophy Talk is a weekly, one-hour radio series. The hosts' down-to-earth and no-nonsense approach brings the richness of philosophic thought to everyday subjects. Topics are lofty (Truth, Beauty, Justice), arresting (Terrorism, Intelligent Design, Suicide), and engaging (Baseball, Love, Happiness).

This is not a lecture or a college course; it's philosophy in action!

Philosophy Talk is a fun opportunity to explore issues of importance to your audience in a thoughtful, friendly fashion, where thinking is encouraged.


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194 Pieces

The marketplace version of Philosophy Talk. Stations can cherry-pick episodes for license. For the automated series please view Philosophy Talk: Weekly.

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85 Pieces

The program that questions everything... except your intelligence.


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Do you have to be an emperor to lead a Stoic life?

  • Added: May 22, 2024
  • Length: 54:00
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Does logic always lead us to the truth?

  • Added: May 22, 2024
  • Length: 53:59
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Mind, soul, body, and breath—how do all of these go together for the Akan people of West Africa?

Bought by KICI Iowa City, KTSW 89.9, KNVC Carson City Community Radio, KSKQ, KMUN and more

  • Added: May 20, 2024
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 6
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How does inequality distort our personalities and relationships?

Bought by KMUN, KTSW 89.9, GCR (Global Community Radio), KSKQ, and KICI Iowa City

  • Added: May 13, 2024
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 5
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Mind, soul, body, and breath—how do all of these go together for the Akan people of West Africa?

  • Added: May 09, 2024
  • Length: 54:00
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How does inequality distort our personalities and relationships?

  • Added: May 07, 2024
  • Length: 54:00

  • Added: May 06, 2024
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 4
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Did you really want to eat that last piece of cake, or were you secretly thinking about your mother?

  • Added: Apr 30, 2024
  • Length: 53:58
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No matter how you slice it, our universe is a strange place.

Bought by GCR (Global Community Radio), KSKQ, KTSW 89.9, WLPR , and KICI Iowa City

  • Added: Apr 29, 2024
  • Length: 53:59
  • Purchases: 5
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No matter how you slice it, our universe is a strange place.

  • Added: Apr 25, 2024
  • Length: 54:00