Green Connections Radio

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Green Connections Radio provides programming on energy and the green economy featuring mostly women experts.

We cover policy, business, finance, culture, jobs, gadgets and tips - all with fascinating people and stories. Interviews include the top people at major companies, government agencies and non-profits, including Whole Foods, Nestle Waters, the Department of Energy, The Center for American Progress, and the UN Foundation Sustainable Energy for All program.

Come listen: and tell us what interests you, at


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9 Pieces

Green Connections Radio provides programming on energy and the green economy featuring mostly women experts. We cover policy, business, finance, culture, jobs, gadgets and tips - all with fascinating people and stories. Interviews include the top people at major companies, government agencies and non-profits, including Whole Foods, Nestle Waters, the Department of Energy, The Center for American Progress, and the UN Foundation Sustainable Energy for All program. Come listen: and tell us what interests you, at


Caption: Aneri Patel of UN Foundation Sustainable Energy for All
Wow are these stories great! Listen to Aneri Patel of the UN Sustainable Energy for All Initiative tell host Joan Michelson about the innovative s...

  • Added: Dec 29, 2012
  • Length: 18:48