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Rendered (formerly Destination DIY) is a radio show & podcast finding stories about making meaning and getting creative in all kinds of ways. We are an independent show from the public radio world carefully crafted for an audience of makers, doers, and curious minds.


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64 Pieces

Destination DIY is the previous incarnation of Rendered — a radio show about all kinds of creativity, taking the DIY lens beyond crafts and home improvement. NOTE TO PROGRAM DIRECTORS: Hour-long episodes of "Destination DIY" aired on Oregon Public Broadcasting in a twice-weekly time slot rotating with The Moth and Radio Lab Saturdays at noon and Wednesdays at 8 p.m.

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2 Pieces

Rendered (formerly Destination DIY) is a radio show & monthly podcast finding stories about making meaning and getting creative in all kinds of ways. We are an independent show from the public radio world carefully crafted for an audience of makers, doers, and curious minds


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voices of girls and women at the Rock Block after school program

Bought by KUOW, KUNM, and NPR Station Showcase with PRX

  • Added: Mar 15, 2007
  • Length: 11:26
  • Purchases: 3