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Trump shoots his mouth off...again...seemingly, about 2nd amendment types shooting Hillary Clinton if she's elected?. House Speaker/Trump endorser...

  • Added: Aug 10, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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Trump..with the knowledge and consent of the RNC...wants changes in the presidential debates.. That's for starters. But it's practically a non stor...

  • Added: Aug 02, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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Context, perspective..and contrast...between the Democratic and Republican nominating conventions. They couldn't be more different...despite the s...

  • Added: Jul 26, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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Context and Perspective on the conventions. Out of the starting gate...The Melania.Michelle mashup flap...The Veepstakes vexation..the backdrop of ...

  • Added: Jul 19, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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FBI Director Comey on Clinton...and the reaction to his recommendation against prosecution. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch..and the reaction to tha...

  • Added: Jul 06, 2016
  • Length: 58:59
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A Scotus ruling on abortion rights in Texas, A referendum on Britain leaving the EU, The Benghazi report from the Republican-led select committee.....

  • Added: Jun 28, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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Thought it was a bad week for Donald Trump? Think again. It's been a bad week...for Ryan and McConnell. It's been a bad week for anyone who though...

  • Added: Jun 22, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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This episode on the Orlando terror attack and aftermath is entirely composed of a music and soundbites montage. There's no narration, except for mi...

  • Added: Jun 14, 2016
  • Length: 58:59
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A Pivotal Week in Campaign 2016 culminates for Dems in California primary... and culminates for the GOP, in a Trump attack on a California fede...

  • Added: Jun 08, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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The Trump/Sanders debate that wasn't. The Trump tantrums during NYC press avail Q and A and other places... against the Trump U judge...against the...

  • Added: May 31, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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A strange convergence of timelines in recent days. Morley Safer obituaries all include some of his groundbreaking reporting from Cam Ne in 1965.......

  • Added: May 24, 2016
  • Length: 58:59
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What's behind the soaring cost of pet prescriptions? ( A House Committee actually held hearings on the subject) Also, news of the presidential cam...

  • Added: May 18, 2016
  • Length: 59:00

  • Added: May 10, 2016
  • Length: 58:59
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Ted Cruz is out after losing Indiana. Bernie Sanders is still in after winning Indiana.Ted Cruz reacts to Trump bringing up Cruz's dad and Lee Harv...

  • Added: May 04, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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Donald Trump's five for five clean sweep of the Maryland,Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware and Pennsylvania primaries came just hours after Cruz ...

  • Added: Apr 27, 2016
  • Length: 58:58
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Sanders makes a bigger splash at the Vatican than the New York Primary. Clinton makes a big splash in New York and a bigger splash at George Cloone...

  • Added: Apr 20, 2016
  • Length: 58:59
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Tokens, Swipes and Qualifications. New York Values. Paul Ryan says no....Again. The Prime Minister and The Panama Papers. Bernie and The Pope. Ted...

  • Added: Apr 12, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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Does Ted Cruz really think Wisconsin meant Republican voters want him, not they don't want Trump? Does Trump really think he's still going to be t...

  • Added: Apr 06, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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The Defense Secretary talks up taking out Isis number 2 ( sound familiar?). The candidates couldn't stoop any lower in their attacks ( they could. ...

  • Added: Mar 29, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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The terror attack in Belgium dominated the news...even as the results came in from the primaries and caucuses in the US West. Other news got even s...

  • Added: Mar 23, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
Caption: PRX default Piece image
All about the aftermath of the first "winner take all" primaries...and Obama nominee to the high court. ( Told Through Narration, Music an...

  • Added: Mar 16, 2016
  • Length: 59:00
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Some obvious truths about Campaign 2016, the candidates and the coming GOP convention. ( Told Through Narration, Music and Soundbites)

  • Added: Mar 09, 2016
  • Length: 58:54
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As the pundits ponder the post-Super Tuesday presidential candidates' landscape, there is another major political event that took place on Super Tu...

  • Added: Mar 02, 2016
  • Length: 58:58
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With so much focus now on Super Tuesday and the candidates, you might think more people would notice that none of the candidates...Republican or De...

  • Added: Feb 24, 2016
  • Length: 59:00