Piece Comment

Review of Embroidery Felon

I love the editing of this piece. It's very well structured. There's the narrative beginnig, describing the Materson's situation and how he began embroidering. Then it becomes a conversation. Materson talks with himself. The sound cuts in and out rhythmically and sensually, along with a lovely eerie music. Materson jumps in and out of the interview with the curator, so that they have a discussion, an animated discussion full of interruptions--they echo each other.

I agree with the previous reviewer that the piece seems to end suddenly. I'm not sure I don't like that, though. The whole piece is such a burst of energy, I think it makes sense to suddenly fizzle away. And the last line is very beautiful: "emerging from the chrysalis, much more beautiful than it had been." It's an ending, without being conclusive. It makes me want to learn more.