Piece Comment

Buster & Sponge Bob Do the Nasty

OK, so it's not suitable for air by any "reputable" public broadcaster interested in avoiding fines or protests from the more gray haired demographic. But it's funny. On the other hand, Howard Stern made a career out of making "bold" little ditties like this one. OK, so Howard Stern is a bad example when it comes to avoiding fines. But it's FUNNY. More than that, it's poignant and timely and pokes fun at the absurd situation we broadcasting grown ups seem to find ourselves in at the moment. Hey college stations! Are you out there? Maybe you morning drive time K-rocks would take a shot at this. Either way, it should be aired or, at the very least, added to a flash video animation and e-mailed all over the world. That'll teach 'em for messing with public broadcasting.