Piece Comment

Review of Chasing Love

If you're looking for something quiet but thought-provoking for Valentine's Day, this could be it. The ideas floating around inside are valuable...and context sounds good. The short description makes it sound like the producer is doing some political proselytizing but no, it's not that at all. It sounds more like a young, passionate person coming to grips with some of the deepest needs of people of all ages living in the US today - I personally don't live in the US any longer - and although we all have these needs and such commercialized culture is absolutely global - I still had a poignant sensation focusing on the life I left behind (both because of my age and geography) - and on how important it has been for me to get a view outside of it. So - consider this essay/drama - you need a quiet hour - probably pretty late night, relaxed. This will do nicely.