Piece Comment

Review of A Mother's Symphony

Weird and wonderful. A prenatal soundscape from the sonic genius Walter Murch who trains us to see through sound. Murch has written about the aural experience of babies in utero:
" Four and a half months after we are conceived, we are already beginning to hear. It is the first of our senses to be switched on, and for the next four and a half months sound reigns as a solitary Queen of the Senses. The close and liquid world of the womb makes sight and smell impossible, taste and touch a dim and generalized hint of what is to come. Instead, we luxuriate in a continuous bath of sounds: the song of our mother's voice, the swash of her breathing, the piping of her intestines, the timpani of her heart."
There is a story we can begin to see through these sounds but a two way with the Murchs would perhaps bring it to life even more.