Piece Comment

Review of U.S. Missile Defense

I think this story has gone mostly un-noticed in the major media. Not that there aren't other foreign policy/defense issues competing for attention. Claes Andreasson's piece is thorough, straightforward and well-reported. The news is that the missle defense system George W Bush promised back during Campaign 2000 is coming to an air force base near you (if you happen to live near Fort Greeley, Alaska or the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California). One missle "interceptor" has been deployed and within the year there'll be 20. The details aren't particularly new; there's lots of controversy over whether it will actually work and the communities are sorting through the economic impact of new jobs and DOD money but the event is worth noting. It makes you feel nostalgic for Ronald Reagan and the Cold War. Remember the arms race and the anti-ballistic missle treaty?