Piece Comment

Review of The Devil's Radar C1

This piece had a fascinating editing style, where breaths are taken out, different effects are placed on the narrator’s voice at appropriate places and unique long pauses at key junctures in this strange story. The story itself and the storytelling were very well done, but it didn’t keep my interest throughout. I think it has to do with the fact that this 20-minute piece could’ve been 10 minutes shorter. Frankly, although the editing style was unique, it got tiring after five minutes. The ear is use to listening to breaths and the ends of sentences and the brain uses that opportunity to digest what was just presented. The story needs more of those opportunities to allow the listener to catch up with the narrator. The story was dark, had surprising twists and had a unique portrayal about the despair of alcoholism. It’s so unique that, although I wouldn’t air it as it presently stands, it is worth a good listen because of the very unique story telling method and production finesse.