Piece Comment

Review of Hafid is Free

This was a story about comfort vs. freedom. It is particularly applicable, intriguing, and convicting for people in a culture consumed by comfort, safety, and risk-reduction. I really like it.

As with most pieces I hear from SALT, the sound and editing were fantastic. Bravo.

The lack of a narrative voice worked wonderfully in this piece because Mr. Hafid had such a great personality; still, the lack of a narrative voice always leaves me wondering what questions the interviewer asked. I don't completely trust that the subject was interrogated properly.

In this particular interview, I wondered if Hafid could have been pushed more on the issue of squating. After an explaination of property concepts in America, could he have acknowledged that squatting is questionable? Perhaps he could never acknowledge this. I wanted to know. Other questions came up as well. How did they study art while they were squating? Does Hafid have a family?

Mr. Hafid was a blast. What a great personality! I love that this guy can laugh about himself. "... a squatter fixing houses... ". This piece was a delight.