Piece Comment

Review of Getting Lost/Hidden Waters

Engaging beginning, hooks you quickly. Great piece for outdoor shows. Story is accompanied by stereo sounds like cars passing hitch-hikers, sounds of the 60's, good descriptions and a forward leaning narrative. I didn't feel the suspense a "lost" piece should give (mostly because it was being told first-person, we are sure she got unlost), but I absolutely flat-out loved the way sounds were used, in almost a sound-track way.

I like Barbara's unsinging voice, storytelling voice, interesting and energetic, without the danger of putting me to sleep. The sound effects (sparse) and music were very appropriate is choice, tone, and level. I'd say the demo would be roughly a baby boomer, but not just a baby boomer. At 57 minutes, this piece is an easy hour to drop in, with even a natural break at 27:00 minutes when the show transitions from Getting Lost to Hidden Waters. If you like this piece, you might ask the producer to provide it as multiple individual pieces, as well. This piece could work as several different pieces.

There is some long songs in the piece, too, something that may affect your placement on your station.