Piece Comment

Review of Howard Dean: The Vermont Years

Hour-long hard news documentaries are often like cauliflower: good for you, but not very tasty. This is a noteworthy exception.

The program takes an in-depth look at Howard Dean’s eleven years as Governor of Vermont, done by those who should know best, Vermont Public Radio. The depth and background offered in this documentary are both impressively detailed, yet exceptionally engaging. The mixture of interviews, archival tape and reporting, as well as contemporary perspective and analysis is great radio. Further, the program offers an exceptional degree of balance and objectivity regarding Dean's background and record on important issues. From election/political junkies to citizens interested in learning more about this candidate, this special has a lot to offer.

Given Dean's prominence in the Democratic primaries, this program offers a powerful service to listeners. It would be an exceptional choice for a stand-alone hour special.

The producers have thoughtfully provided an audio promo and complete (!) transcript make it very promotable and station-friendly.

This is an exemplary effort on every mark.