Piece Comment

Review of Teen Retail Psychology: Playing the Popularity Game at Work

I love Youth Radio's material, and this piece has a lot to offer, but it has a bit of personality disorder: it needs to decide if it wants to be a reported piece or a commentary.
The premise of the piece is interesting: the reporter/commentator offers that retailers have caught on to the power of a shopping companion who tells you that you look good in the merchandise you are trying on. Thus, the retailers encourage/require their employees to have those type of dressing room bonding moments, even if it is not a sincere or genuine interaction. The not only offers a window into the experiences of youth as retail consumers, but into the "emotional labor" required of retail employees.
The split between reported piece and commentary is a light one, but should be noted. At points during the enterprise reporting (and especially at the very end of the piece), the reporter/commentation slides in her own opinion about the subject--which is confusing.
This would make an interesting segment on a general magazine show with some possible uses in programming about marketing, the teen economy, and young people in general.