Piece Comment

Review of "Teens and Illegal Guns: Access"

Y-Press’s segment on teens with guns is both informative and long overdue. Of the 4 segments recently posted, Andy Yang’s segment on access to guns is my favorite. In this piece, Yang interviews youth incarcerated at the Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility in Indiana about how easy it is to get ahold of guns. This script is well written, and Yang uses great interview clips and ambient sound. As the reporter and narrator, Yang does a great job of communicating his personal unfamiliarity with correctional facilities and street violence, while not furthering the demonization and marginalization of the young men he interviews. In clearer terms, he sets up the piece so that the listener can hear these stories as the the stories of young men, not criminals. He provides an informative piece that does not demonize, exotify, or other his interviewees. That is a skill.