Piece Comment

YEB Review of Dollar Tree Dreams

Alejandra, you are right. You are far older than twelve. The complexity of the sounds in this piece are so well-put together, like a baby-doll dress with all the trimmings. The overlapping sounds; her narration, the upbeat song and the running sewing machine in the background makes this piece so lighthearted and optimistic. By the end of this piece, I could feel her dreams rise out of the construction papers where they were laid down, on to a mannequin in Fashion Design school. The only missing stitch to this piece was the invisible elephant — Alejandra's mother. She plays such a large part in Alejandra's life. Her decisions ride on her mother teaching her sewing, her mother talking about fashion school. I wish I could hear her voice, as well. This piece, though short, is far more complex and interesting than a pad of brightly colored construction paper.