Piece Comment

YEB review of "Johovah's Witness"

Gabriela Jacobo's radio piece was extraordinarily powerful for such a short piece. It was not very complex. Her mother prays in Spanish in the background as Jacobo tells the story of her mother's detachment from her children for her attachment to Gob. Jacobo is very deliberate with every word, slow and careful, as if giving each word it's own weight and thought. I've known religion to form a rift between parent and child, but the rift that Jacobo speaks of is not as simple. It is a rift created by her mother's belief of God and her devotion to her children through God. There is a brief interlude where a children's Christian song plays and Jacobo wishes to appreciate God the way other children do. The entire piece was rife with these heart-pulling moments. It was simple and perfect, for such a complex piece.