Piece Comment

YEB review of Sex Without Condoms is the New Engagement Ring

I secretly want to be Dan Savage. So when I found this piece, I was excited. And I was not let down. This piece explores, not only this new concept of love and trust beyond the confinement of a ring, but the weaknesses in the "bonds" of marriage. The piece was very well-put together. It was humourous for such a loaded topic. The juxtaposition of wedding vows and walking down the aisles of a health clinic are remarkably clever and true. If you aren't comfortable with your body and another person, it is as big of a step as walking down the aisle. The narration was witty and cativative. The beginning of the piece was very serious, discussing the threat of AIDs and other STIs. It then transitioned to a lighter tone. We hear the input of other teens on this topic and why they believe sex without a condom is more permanent than a wedding vow. While I really enjoyed this piece, I wish it was more complex. What do more conservative people say about this? What about a medical prosective? A diversity in opinion would have completed this, otherwise, interesting radio piece.