Piece Comment

A White Thanksgiving

I heard part of this program on WAMC Thanksgiving day while driving the Mass Turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston. I was completely drawn in by the show. So much so, that I actually welcomed the traffic slow-downs hoping to hear as much of the program as possible before losing the broadcast signal.

I was 13 when The White Album was released and I loved it. It is so mysteriously unfathomable lyrically yet so musically mesmerizing that I've never tired of listening to it. As a teenager, it was like taking your parents car for an illicit joy ride; the familiar mom and dad car and neigborhood roads become suddenly so wildly exhilarating and dangerous.

I lost the broadcast signal soon after "Helter-Skelter" but was determined to hear all that I had missed. So I found PRX on line and listened to the whole thing this time without the static and the traffic.