Piece Comment

Review of Will You Go To Prom With Me?

Will You Go To Prom With Me? is an adorable piece about the trials and tribulations of acquiring that all-important prom date. The piece is a personal narrative from Phillip Baggett and I loved it. I especially liked the unique perspective of a guy looking for a prom date which I thought was interesting, since as a girl I always assumed that guys had no trouble finding a date. Throughout the piece Phil asks multiple girls not only if they'll go to prom with him, but also how he should ask the next girl. It becomes humorous as he asks advice from three different girls and gets three different responses. The piece has a great blend of audio from interviews to music that helps to take you through this difficult journey with Phil.
Will You Go To Prom With Me? is truly fitting for any show about prom (which happens to be this month) or even a show about teen dating.