Piece Comment

Review of This I Believe Pledge Spot - What Music Means to Me

Some musicians can't talk or readily put together coherent thoughts about the music they love and likely perform better than most. They simply put their heart, soul and understanding into their instrument.

Enter composer Joan Tower: she can talk, she can tell stories and move you with her words. And, she will likely help your station raise money in only 89 seconds.

From the "This I Believe" Series, the American composer discusses the power of music in her life. She lists her own connections and reliance on classical music in a way that will resonate with your listeners, who will both see and remember their own connections and emotional attachments to the music they love.

Within the context of classical music fundraising, this is a powerfully crafted message that reinforces the value and benefits of classical music on Public Radio. The spot reflects what research has taught us about why people listen to classical music (and what we know anecdotally), and it will provide additional authority to your on-air fundraising sound.

Outside of fundraising programming, this piece will shine up your arts magazine programming, and with thoughtful and exceptional creative planning, placement and forward promotion, it could also fit within a local classical music shift.