Piece Comment

Review of Year-End Show - A Tribute to the Life & Music of Don Ho (w/News Hole)

MOST IMPROVED AND OUTSTANDING! Kept me listening all the way to the end and I'd like to hear more.

I tend to like the style of the program's host who I've been monitoring over the years. If an award for ''Most Improved'' could be given, I think it would go here.

On some of the programs in the past, though I felt the host did an outstanding job, it seemed to me that perhaps he was doing all of the work -- the interviewing, the recording, the writing, the editing, the production and post production. I say that because I could occasionally hear the extent of the work effort in the voice -- maybe working to make deadlines. In this one, however, I hear a relaxed yet professional voice that's easy to listen to. And, I am now hearing very much the ''core value'' quality that is desired today in public radio -- but without sounding overly casual as too many do today without quality cerebration or wit.

The host seemed to bring out the best from Don Ho -- stayed right with him and on top of the interviewing -- and did so very well without overshadowing him. The subject matter seems especially timely for an end-of-the-year, new year's eve special (very relevant with Don Ho having died during the year).

The fundraising promos to encourage new public radio membership or renewal of one's membership before the end of the tax year at midnight new year's eve fast approaching was not only potentially very helpful to all of public radio but was very well handled with good balance. I would like to hear more programming done by this host.

Production wise, the musical pieces were expertly fit into the program and very well balanced for a program with exceptionally good flow. When would be the best airing time for this program? I would like to hear it most during the afternoon or late afternoon on the day before the New Year or in the evening several hours before midnight on New Year's eve.