Piece Comment

Review of Music Therapy for Children

I have an appreciation for information related to health and natural healing and I work with youth and music so this mini report really caught my attention.

I like the way this report begins with some history very well researched on how music therapy has been used for thousands of years. The credibility of this report came to the fore as the reporter reminded listeners that King David used a harp for theraputic purposes (so effective that the evil King Saul was not only refreshed and made well but the evil spirit that that had been possessing him departed from him!). Hooray for good and uplifting music! And, wonderful that this report helps to encourage children in that regard.

The person interviewed was kind of boring and lifeless in his speaking (and maybe he should be edited out and somebody with more life found for the interview) but the reporter carried the rest of it so well that I would like to hear this kind of reporting to be aired nationally!