Piece Comment

Review of Buddy Holly Profile

This piece starts with an old-time musician by the name of Tommy Hancock speaking in a great southern accent about his memories of seeing a young Buddy Holly perform at a dance. It sets the tone for a really nicely paced, thoughtfully narrated, and expertly mixed profile of the rock and roll icon. During this piece we hear a variety of voices sounding off about Buddy Holly - a music historian, a biographer, a music journalist - but I think the crowning moment, the moment when this piece goes from good to great, is when we're introduced to a Buddy Holly impersonator and we hear him sharing his thoughts on his hero.

Producer Andy Uhler put this piece together for the program "Texas Music Matters" at KUT... This station on the whole is a treasure trove of excellent music programming. Whatever's in the water down there, keep drinking it, KUT!