Piece Comment

Review of The Perks of Studying to Heavy Metal

Time and time again heavy music is disparaged as too loud, too angry, and a danger for the youth of America. However, in this piece Amanda Krysinski gives us a great look at why we all need to give metal a second chance!

I really enjoyed this piece because I felt like it gave me a new perspective on heavier music. Though I've never actively disliked metal, I've never really listened to it, and so I just thought of it as another loud, angry style of music. But Amanda really shows us how useful is can be as a "study buddy", and how it can help you concentrate. I felt like I got a whole new perspective on, well, the perks of studying to heavy metal!

I also really liked Amanda's point about how with most other types of music, it gets stuck in you head easily, with catchy riffs and simple lyrics. I get exactly what she means, since the music I like tends toward to pop-punk spectrum, and the music gets stuck in my head very easily. Though it's nice to have my favorite songs playing constantly in my head, it can be difficult to concentrate when it comes time to study!

The background music in this piece was very well done, as it was not too loud. The ending had a nice tie-in with lyrics and cued up music, which gave it a neat and tidy ending. All in all this is a great piece that could be aired anytime of year!