Piece Comment

Review of Irena

Irena Sendler has an amazing story. I think this piece could be more powerful if we learned Irena's story AS the students learn it... seems to me we know too much of Irena when we then learn that the radio story is about the high school students discovering Irena's story. Wow, I hope that makes sense to someone who has not heard the piece.

The details that interested me most are those the producer writes about herself in the "Additional Credits and Funding." I want to hear more about the producers Liliya and her own story, about what she has learned about "news organizations" and "objective sources of information." The radio story is a good early effort by a new producer, but I think there is maybe "more" of a piece here about why Irena's story, and the high school girls who were free to follow it, meant so much to the producer Liliya. The radio piece right now is a little bit too news magazine-ish, and I think the "better" story needs a different form and a new focus.